Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Day

Today welcomes us to 2010. Josh and I are in Texas visiting his brother Nate and his family, Tanya and Artem. We went to the Army Museum at Fort Hood today and I was lucky enough to get in a couple shots before the sun light disappeared - I unfortunately didn't bring the tripod, even though I dragged it all the way from Illinois. :'(

Soldier's Cross

Shutter: 1/25"
F-Stop: 4.5
ISO: 200
Focal Length: 31.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55mm

This is a classic image, and the moment at sunset was really powerful. It made me think about the thousands upon thousands that have died, and led me to taking this shot. I am truly grateful for the wonderful people that serve this country to keep us safe at home.


Shutter: 1/25"
F-Stop: 4.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 18.0 mm
18 - 55 mm

There were many old vehicles, including mobile artillery on site at the museum. I have never been this close to military equipment before, and it was truly amazing.


Shutter: 1/25"
F-Stop: 4.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 18.0 mm
18 - 55 mm

Three different tanks made for a good composition. Getting a close look at how the tracks operate was so cool.


Shutter: 1/25"
F-Stop: 4.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 18.0 mm
18 - 55 mm

I thought this perspective really gave meaning to the shot. These machines are built to be powerful and intimidating.

Under Fire

Shutter: 1/25"
F-Stop: 5.3
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 42.0 mm
18 - 55 mm

When I came across this, I literally stopped in my tracks. I was too busy marveling at all the cool equipment I had never seen like this before to think about the history of these vehicles until I came to this one. I suddenly imagined this car racing across an open battlefield, under enemy fire, and the windshield being shot out. I wonder what came of those who were in the car when this happened. I was actually shocked to see that the Army didn't replace the windshield before displaying it. I found another car just like this with another bullet hole, but there just wasn't enough light left at that point to get a good picture.

1 comment:

  1. This photo is so cool to me, I love the sun-setting in the background and how the subject is all black. Awesome picture!
