The Tracks

F-Stop: 4.8
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 38.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
8:00 am: First I walk to the Metra train station by my house. It was lightly snowing this morning and there was a dust of snow on the tracks that hadn't been disrupted by the train yet.
Clinton Stop 1

Shutter: 1/60
F-Stop: 18.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 22.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
9:30 am: After a long train ride, on which I usually choose to catch up on some sleep, I leave Ogilvie Train Station and head over to the Clinton stop on the El. I have photographed from this platform many times, and I never get sick of the view. Today I was lucky enough to have a train come through as I was shooting.
Shutter: 1/60
F-Stop: 18.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 34.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
9:31 am: I wait here and catch either the Pink or Green line to Clark and Lake where I transfer to the Brown Line and head out to the Gallery. The view from this platform of 333 W. Wacker is always beautiful, but the way it was catching the clouds, and the morning sun hitting Merchandise Mart on the other side of the river was really nice this morning.

Shutter: 1/60
F-Stop: 18.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 22.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
9:30 am: After a long train ride, on which I usually choose to catch up on some sleep, I leave Ogilvie Train Station and head over to the Clinton stop on the El. I have photographed from this platform many times, and I never get sick of the view. Today I was lucky enough to have a train come through as I was shooting.
Clinton Stop 2

F-Stop: 18.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 34.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
9:31 am: I wait here and catch either the Pink or Green line to Clark and Lake where I transfer to the Brown Line and head out to the Gallery. The view from this platform of 333 W. Wacker is always beautiful, but the way it was catching the clouds, and the morning sun hitting Merchandise Mart on the other side of the river was really nice this morning.

Shutter: 1/60
F-Stop: 18.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 38.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
9:32 am: Ahh the pigeons... I hate these dirty birds! They're everywhere, pooping on everything, flying in your face, making no contribution to this world at all except maybe a small effort at garbage eating. Whenever I see one on the sidewalk I always want to punt them like little feathered footballs! haha
Shutter: 1/200
F-Stop: 5.6
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 55.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
9:35 am: As I travel from Clinton to Clark and Lake, I always stand in the doorway so I can see this view. As far as I know, it's the only street in downtown Chicago that is abruptly ended by a building. I also love the statue on top, like an overseer or some kind of protector, appropriately in the heart of the financial district.
Shutter: 1/200
F-Stop: 4.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 18.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
9:42 am: After waiting only a couple minutes today for the Brown line, I was on my final leg of the trip. This view is shortly after the train leaves the Merchandise Mart stop.
9:47 am: I finally arrive at the gallery. There are actually several galleries in our building: ZG and Catherine Edelman on the lower level, Judy Saslow on the first floor, and us, David Weinberg, on the second floor. The post card next to our name is for our current show, Structure and Space, featuring the painter Daniel Kim and photographer Michael Parker. The show runs through February 20 so come check it out!
F-Stop: 18.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 38.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
9:32 am: Ahh the pigeons... I hate these dirty birds! They're everywhere, pooping on everything, flying in your face, making no contribution to this world at all except maybe a small effort at garbage eating. Whenever I see one on the sidewalk I always want to punt them like little feathered footballs! haha
Financial District

F-Stop: 5.6
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 55.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
9:35 am: As I travel from Clinton to Clark and Lake, I always stand in the doorway so I can see this view. As far as I know, it's the only street in downtown Chicago that is abruptly ended by a building. I also love the statue on top, like an overseer or some kind of protector, appropriately in the heart of the financial district.
Leaving Merchandise Mart

F-Stop: 4.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 18.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
9:42 am: After waiting only a couple minutes today for the Brown line, I was on my final leg of the trip. This view is shortly after the train leaves the Merchandise Mart stop.
9:47 am: I finally arrive at the gallery. There are actually several galleries in our building: ZG and Catherine Edelman on the lower level, Judy Saslow on the first floor, and us, David Weinberg, on the second floor. The post card next to our name is for our current show, Structure and Space, featuring the painter Daniel Kim and photographer Michael Parker. The show runs through February 20 so come check it out!
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