
F-Stop: 13.0
ISO: 200
Focal Length: 18.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
333 W. Wacker is one of my favorite buildings in Chicago. The clouds were making a particularly beautiful display on this day. I had just gotten off of work and was meeting someone at Merch Mart for a night out on the town when I saw this.
Chicago Skyline

F-Stop: 5.6
ISO: 200
Focal Length: 55.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
This was the preliminary test of picture I have always wanted to assemble, hopefully after this spring I will finally finish it and be able to post it!
Spring Drops

F-Stop: 9.0
ISO: 200
Focal Length: 52.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
I was out during a light spring shower, where the rain drops tend to get stuck on the plants instead just plowing right past them. This sprout was the perfect delicate green of a baby plant, getting ready to grow.
The Calendar

Shutter: 1/125"
F-Stop: 29.0
ISO: 200
Focal Length: 55.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
This is a replication of sorts of Stonehenge. It's obviously structurally very different, but it functions as a calendar with the shadows created by the sun, as well as marking the equinoxes. I'm not sure if the tree was there first, or second, but it was perfect.
The Wreath

F-Stop: 4.5
ISO: 200
Focal Length: 30.0 mm
Lens: 18 - 55 mm
This is, as of now, my favorite house in Chicago. It's a precious old home that has been around WAY longer than the apartments that they squeezed the old house as they were built. The man who lives here puts out wreathes on his doors for Christmas every year, and then they stay there the rest of the year, and die and wither and life explodes around them.